Free Choice 1

27th Free Choice

Free Choice 1Really rather proud of this one, reached the Top 10 of The Big Photo Hunt!

Day was a bit weird, started badly and finished strong.  Job opportunity handed to me but would mess up appointments and things, will mull over and don’t have to give immediate response.

  1. The Dirtbombs – Dangerous Magical Noise
  2. The Dirtbombs – Horndog Fest
  3. The Dirtbombs – Party Store
  4. The Dirtbombs – Ultraglide In Black
  5. The Dirtbombs – We Have You Surrounded

22nd February V

VSaturday, little light shopping, drink with C at the Tom & Gerry which seems populated by geriatric one armed bandit raiders with loud voices.

Home and sort the cat litter and wash up.  Simple food tonight in terms of Haloumi burgers and sweet potato fries.  Making some fruit scones too.

  1. Colonel Mustard & The Dijon 5 – Party to Make Music to Party to Make Music to Party to Make Music to, Pt. 1
  2. Colonel Mustard & The Dijon 5 – Peace, Love & Mustard
  3. The Fleshtones – It’s Getting Late (…and More Songs About Werewolves)
  4. The Fleshtones – The Band Drinks For Free
  5. The Fleshtones – Blast Off!
  6. The Fleshtones – American Beat

17th February Q

QQueenie comes out to play! Meanwhile a day that started off poorly but finished relatively strongly.

Manage to retrieve the bike from the Station, snow is promised for tomorrow so might be a bus day!

  1. Isaac Hayes – Joy
  2. Isaac Hayes – Isaac Hayes at Wattstax
  3. New Breed Brass Band – Made In New Orleans
  4. The Feminine Complex – Livin’ Love

11th February K

KHmm back to work today, need to work on the whole value thing.  News from Nathan is he’s expecting a wee girl.  Day wasn’t too bad, some clangers but some good news too.

  1. Isaac Hayes – Introducing Isaac Hayes
  2. Isaac Hayes – The Isaac Hayes Movement
  3. The Mads – Four By The Mads
  4. The Mads – The Mads In Soul EP
  5. The Mads – The Mads A Go go
  6. The Mads – The Mads In Italiano
  7. The Mads – What I Need/Virtual World
  8. The Mads – On The Bus
  9. The Mads – Time By Time

10th February J

JSo last day off for a couple of days. A day of rest, a few bits and bobs done, phone the vet and sort cat tabs, ask about her vaccination date. She’s due jabs the middle of next month so need to ring back at the beginning of the month.

Another attempt at fitting the new handlebar grips, resign myself to the notion it ain’t happening.  Order a different set that are simpler and supposedly rubber.  Hoping they are easier to fit.

    1. Isaac Hayes – Shaft
    2. Isaac Hayes – Hot Buttered Soul
    3. Isaac Hayes – The Spirit Of Memphis (1962-1976)
    4. The Bar-Kays – Soul Finger
    5. The Bar-Kays – Gotta Groove

8th February H

HDay Off

  1. Fay Hallam – Propeller
  2. Fay Hallam – The House Of Now
  3. Fay Hallam – Corona
  4. Fay Hallam – Window
  5. Fay Hallam – Modulations
  6. Fay Hallam – Greenhouse
  7. Il Senato – Pure Love
  8. Il Senato – Zibaldone
  9. Il Senato – King’s Of The World
  10. The Incredible String Band – The Incredible String Band
  11. The Incredible String Band – The Hangman’s Beautiful Daughter
  12. The Incredible String Band – Wee Tam
  13. The Incredible String Band – The Big Huge
  14. The Incredible String Band – Changing Horses