18th February R

RAnother late, swift ale at the Swan & Railway on the way home.  Delight at finding Doctor Morton’s Duck Baffler, seemed entirely appropriate.

Bit of a session on the new bonus scheme, people are getting a bit uptight about it.  Had nothing from it yet but then my value hasn’t been wonderful.  But believe we are getting there.  Think one of the issues is that it is very difficult to calculate value beyond the basics.

  1. The Oh Hellos – Oh Hello
  2. The Oh Hellos – Dear Wormwood
  3. The Oh Hellos – Through The Deep Dark Valley.

17th February Q

QQueenie comes out to play! Meanwhile a day that started off poorly but finished relatively strongly.

Manage to retrieve the bike from the Station, snow is promised for tomorrow so might be a bus day!

  1. Isaac Hayes – Joy
  2. Isaac Hayes – Isaac Hayes at Wattstax
  3. New Breed Brass Band – Made In New Orleans
  4. The Feminine Complex – Livin’ Love

16th February P



An early shift today.  Deep joy!  Bit of a mixed day with lots of listening from Krish.

  1. Colonel Mustard & The Dijon 5 – The Difficult Number 2
  2. Colonel Mustard & The Dijon 5 – Fitbaw Fitbaw Fitbaw GOAL GOAL GOAL
  3. Colonel Mustard & The Dijon 5 – These Are Not The Drugs (You Are Looking For)



15th February O


Obviously this screen is not going to tell me anything useful.

A day of lazy shopping and gentle cooking.  Pedals, Hex Keys and Gloves arrive.  The 15mm spanner the web tells me is useful for pedal changing is in fact no use, looks like an 18mm is needed.  Which spanner is missing from the set I own.  Yep, the 18mm… order one.  Need grease as well which I order.  C is convinced the bike is costing a fortune.  It’s not, more a case of well being.

  1. Manic Street Preachers – Critical Thinking
  2. Pentangle – A Maid That’s Deep In Love
  3. The Beatles – At Stowe School
  4. Shonen Knife – Candy Rock
  5. Shonen Knife – Ready! Set!! Go!!! Adventure Tour

11th February K

KHmm back to work today, need to work on the whole value thing.  News from Nathan is he’s expecting a wee girl.  Day wasn’t too bad, some clangers but some good news too.

  1. Isaac Hayes – Introducing Isaac Hayes
  2. Isaac Hayes – The Isaac Hayes Movement
  3. The Mads – Four By The Mads
  4. The Mads – The Mads In Soul EP
  5. The Mads – The Mads A Go go
  6. The Mads – The Mads In Italiano
  7. The Mads – What I Need/Virtual World
  8. The Mads – On The Bus
  9. The Mads – Time By Time

10th February J

JSo last day off for a couple of days. A day of rest, a few bits and bobs done, phone the vet and sort cat tabs, ask about her vaccination date. She’s due jabs the middle of next month so need to ring back at the beginning of the month.

Another attempt at fitting the new handlebar grips, resign myself to the notion it ain’t happening.  Order a different set that are simpler and supposedly rubber.  Hoping they are easier to fit.

    1. Isaac Hayes – Shaft
    2. Isaac Hayes – Hot Buttered Soul
    3. Isaac Hayes – The Spirit Of Memphis (1962-1976)
    4. The Bar-Kays – Soul Finger
    5. The Bar-Kays – Gotta Groove

9th February I

ILaundrette day

  1. Baltic Fleet – The Dear One
  2. Baltic Fleet – The Wilds E.P.
  3. Baltic Fleet – Towers
  4. The Castaways – The Best of The Castaways
  5. Dave’s Doors of Perception – Major Door Arcana
  6. Dave’s Doors of Perception – Shake It!
  7. Dave’s Doors of Perception – Apophenia
  8. Sharon Van Etten – Sharon Van Ettem & The Attachment Theory