I Like To Eat...

I Like To Eat…

I Like To Eat...An early morning trip to the pictures. As a result of Sunday bus timetables we repair unto McDead Thing before wandering along to the Empire picture house.  ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3’ was the film of choice.  Thoroughly enjoyed by the pair of us.

Lunch at Gregs and then into Asda for a bit of shopping. Then home via the Gobin.  A pleasant day.

Am currently stressing about lots so needed it. Feeling incredibly down at the moment, being a bit random with my meds right now.  Need to get some balance back.

Edit reel I sorted in Wigan the other day.  Needed to download the Get Carter soundtrack to add some music.  First walkout with the Gimbal.  Worked kinda ok, a bit of wobble as I walked!


  1. Get Carter – Roy Budd
  2. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: Awesome Mix Vol. 3 – Various Artists
  3. Outside Looking In – The Masonics


PeacefulA week of lates beckons. News full of Ofcom’s Affordability of communications services: April 2023 update a day of drops beckons.  Sure enough the day pans out that way,  a usual week may have one or two in it.  Today 4 of the buggers.

In other news I end up chatting to someone who works at SLAIS and who knew the McIlwaine’s.  Ia has apparently shuffled of this mortal coil which is sad.  Turns out she has a Wikipedia page the obit is here.

Bus home was a bit of an adventure, came home via Winstanley, no idea why, was a touch weird but what the heck.

Photo today was a Sunday snap when I got beyond a set of gates that are usually shut.  I guess a little light urbex. Either way it was interesting and the string of lights set things off nicely.

Tomorrow’s prompt is ‘found’ so will have to channel my inner Marcel Duchamps.  Be interesting to see what sort of found objects I come across.


  1. On Air (The BBC Sessions) – June Tabor
  2. Quercus – June Tabor With Iain Ballamy & Huw Warren
  3. The Ultimate Collection – Grace Jones
  4. A Night Of A Thousand Vampires (Live) – The Damned
What Inspires Me

What Inspires Me

What Inspires MeSunday and off to work on the Sunday service.  Early start but that gave me a chance to mooch around in search of a photo. Luckily Wigan never fails to provide something and after several possible candidates I arrive at this.  Some sort of hen party had discarded it going on the proximity of the Brides Gang piece of rubbish.

Grab a coffee and packet of Wotsits from John Menzies, wander in and no surprises I’m first in. Get my shit out of the locker and set up for the day.  Not  a great day work wise but not a totally shite day.  Got to catch up with a bit of writing which was positive.  Finally got to meet Meg who’s been off ill.  Seems pleasant enough.

Back home via superior bus and in the door and I’m fed by Carol with stew and dumplings, delish.  Phone home.  Shoot the breeze with the folks.  Catch up with the blogging and write some shit.

Discover a change in the shift pattern, early’s next week to be followed by lates.  It’s no bad thing delaying the lates given that C returns to work tomorrow.  Need to nip in early so I can visit Asda, C needs more hot chocolate.


  1. The Best Of Horace Silver The Blue Note Years – Horace Silver
  2. Horace Silver And The Jazz Messengers – Horace Silver
  3. Serenade To A Soul Sister – Horace Silver
  4. III -Walter Smith III
  5. In Common – Walter Smith III
  6. Twio – Walter Smith III
Something White

Something White

Something WhiteSo 55 today. Lots of birthday wishes which was nice. Lovely card from C and fun card from S. Ch as St bring a card round too which was cool and appreciated.

Morning a bit of a food shop followed by a bit of a contretemps regarding the availability of a pound coin as we move shops between Lidl and Aldi, fetch change and off to Aldi we go.  Birthday lunch in the Robin, nice touch was the bar staff buying me a birthday drink.

Steven drags round copious amounts of beer too which is most welcome.  A few of the usual suspects like Doom Bar, Bishops Finger and Old Speckled Hen but a few different ones too.  I guess that I’m a bit predictable! Lol, we also bought me a bottle of Leffe.  Didn’t get round to drinking any of them.

Cal calls after work which was good.  Relatively early night in anticipation of work in the morning.  Have to admit bed is welcome, not been the best of birthdays to be fair.


  1. Butterfly – Natalie Merchant
  2. Natalie Merchant – Natalie Merchant
  3. Ophelia – Natalie Merchant
  4. Tigerlily – Natalie Merchant
  5. Rarities (1998-2017) – Natalie Merchant
  6. Keep Your Courage – Natalie Merchant




Season Cases packed and out for 06.30. slight panic that they go to the right Bus.  Sorted, I go for a stroll down to the Spar to take some pics.  C rings to find out where I am.
Breakfast at 9.00 and pile into the bus for 10.00 to return home.  We stop in Beverley, with time enough to get scran and a drink but not enough time to do anything like visit the Minster. C is livid.  I’m a little more chilled but I’ve been to Beverley before.  Pint then into a bakery for a sausage roll for C and Bacon, Cheese and Leek pastie for me.
Remount the bus and off we go, weather is foul, roadworks everywhere, C gets a bit stressed about us arriving at the interchange in time to catch the feeder coach. We get back to Burtonwood at around 16:15.  Half an hour an we get on the feeder and wonder of wonders we’re first drop. Back home, light shop and then Mr. Krispy shared kebab for tea.  Nice.​
  1. Acr Loco – A Certain Ratio
  2. Acr Box – A Certain Ratio
  3. Acr:mcr – A Certain Ratio
  4. Early – A Certain Ratio
  5. The Graveyard And The Ballroom – A Certain Ratio
  6. Loco Remezclada – A Certain Ratio
  7. The Old & The New – A Certain Ratio
  8. To Each… – A Certain Ratio
  9. Sextet – A Certain Ratio
  10. Live at the Blue Note Café, Paris 1961 – Bud Powell
  11. In Paris – And More – Dexter Gordon
  12. Dexter Gordon Blows Hot and Cool – Dexter Gordon


EggHappy Easter!  A day of tech support with Cal setting up Sharon’s new PC, getting camera shit together to go away.  Setting things to charge.

But first a walk to the building society and then breakfast at the Tom and Gerry.  Was good and filling.

Afternoon plans are a bit of gardening and that sort of shit!


  1. Dexter Gordon Blows Hot and Cool – Dexter Gordon
  2. In Paris and More – Dexter Gordon