Fetch bike from Eckersley Mill, pleasantly surprised to be able to ride it. Saddle needs dropping, tyres changing, gears sorting and a bit of other fettling. Not bad for forty five notes. Before shots below.
Close Lobsters – John Peel Session 04.01.86
Close Lobsters – Janice Long Session 15.07.86
New York Ska – Jazz Ensemble – Skaleidoscope
New York Ska – Jazz Ensemble – Free As A Bird E.P.
The Flaming Stars – John Peel Session 17.10.96
The Flaming Stars – John Peel Session 19.02.02
This Poison! – Magazine 1986-1988
Will start cycling ASAP, and fettling along the way. Be a steep learning curve but late 70’s and early 80’s tech can’t be that bad. Anyway youtube will provide the instructions!
Hmm… a day in three halves, started well with an Asda fetch of things. Stroll to work, take a couple of photos.
Day’s going well ’til 1.00 when I get a call from the School. C has chest pains, can I meet her at A&E. Hoof it to the chippy, buy sausage and chips. Nip to the bus station shovelling the scran in. Bus to the Infirmary. Up there by about 1.30. C arrives by 3.
Then wait, seen by a medic about 5. Whisked off for x-ray and then more bloods. Inconclusive so more bloods at 9.30. We wait on results.
So at 01.00 we’ve had enough and walk! We’ll strictly speaking we taxi.
Snow Graffiti a bit of a cheesy Caroline Flack quote, but for all that it is the right sentiment. It was an obvious choice. There are quite a few bits of Snow Graffiti’s work around Ashton and Wigan. Not perhaps my fave artist but it’s nice to see some creativity about the place.
This Is Just A Modern Rock Song (EP) – Belle & Sebastian