What I’m doing now

January 27th What I’m doing now

What I’m doing nowA day of bike fettling, would be great if I knew what I was doing! C off from work. Waiting on arrival of late required inner tubes!  Fucked up when removing the tyres, mind you gawd alone knows how old the tubes were that were in the bike.  New saddle arrives as well.  Might not get to ride into work tomorrow, depends on arrival time of the tubes.  They are meant to be here by 10pm.  Arrive at about 7.00, tyres are a bastard to fit back but seem to manage.  Get’em back on the bike, will pump up tonight to see how well I’ve done!

Well one wheel is fine, other is fucked… we go again tomorrow night!

Need to get a small socket set and small saddle bag.

  1. Kung-Fu Girl – Kung-Fu Girl
  2. Sweater Girls – Pretty When You Smile
  3. Sweater Girls – Were Here
  4. Fred Scheider & The Superions – Totally Nude Island
  5. Fred Scheider & The Superions – Destination… Christmas!
  6. Fred Scheider & The Superions – Bat Baby
  7. Fred Scheider & The Superions – Head On A Leg