I Stood Here...

I Stood Here...Poke in the eye day.  Travel with Carol to work and continue on to the delightful Leigh.  Arrive too early for the Costa to be open so repair unto McDead thing, mainly because I need the loo.  Breakfast and coffee before I head up to to the Walk-In.  Wander up the Avenue,  arrive there at about 07:45.  Hang around 15 minutes waiting on coffee. Then head into the Walk-In. Way too early when I sign in.

Wait around 45 minutes before I get called in to get the poke in the eye.  It goes ok.

Walk down to Leigh and light is a vague issue but not enough to break out the shades.  Coffee and then head to the bus/

Stop off at Asda in Goldborne looking for fence preserver.  Not there so might need a trip out in the morning before I get on with slapping it on tomorrow (weather permitting).

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